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Microsoft's Text Template Transformation Toolkit(T4 Template) Tutorial

Microsoft's Text Template Transformation Toolkit (usually referred to as "T4") is a template based text generation framework included with Visual Studio. T4 source files are usually denoted by the file extension ".tt".

What is T4 template?

  • T4 stands for Text Template Transformation Toolkit.
  • T4 is all about automating code or content generation.
  • The usual extension for T4 files is *.tt.

When to use T4?

                    Whenever you identify repeatable pattern of code or content, you should consider automating it by using T4, instead of writing it again and again.

Benefits For Developers

T4 can bring the following benefits:

  • Speeds-up the development process.
  • Increases the code consistency.
  • Makes it easier to apply best practices.
  • It is easy to start with prototype & then modifying its dynamic sections.
  • T4 is a very powerful concept because it is using C# or as its script language,                  therefore it lowers the learning curve.

The structure of T4 Template

T4 is composed of the following parts:

  • Directives - elements that control how the template is processed.
                                                    <#@ output extension=”.txt” #>
  • Text blocks - content that is copied directly to the output.
  • Control blocks - program code that inserts variable values into the text.
                                              <#= System.DateTime.Now.ToString() #>

for any questions and suggestion in T4 Templating. Please post it comment. Thanks for read.

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