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"Night Shift" App Make your Sleep even better - Apple

Reading article online in Night actually killing your sleep

Research shows that using a tablet, smartphone, or laptop for a couple of hours before bed can cause you to lose as much as an hour’s worth of sleep per night

Night Shift is a Name of that Feature and it’ come along with forthcoming IOS 9.3 update

What Apple says :

Many studies have shown that exposure to bright blue light in the evening can affect your circadian rhythms and make it harder to fall asleep. Night Shift uses your iOS device’s clock and geolocation to determine when it’s sunset in your location. Then it automatically shifts the colors in your display to the warmer end of the spectrum, making it easier on your eyes. In the morning, it returns the display to its regular settings.

its not about Marketing - its about Science The human sleep cycle is uniquely sensitive at night to the blue light that is emitted by most screens, with the American Medical Association recommending that those with sleep disorders minimize their time with screens before bedtime, or using dim red lighting to minimize the effect. That's because as it gets darker, our eyes expect to see warmer light: for example, the reddish light of a candle, a fire, or a sunset, as opposed to the blue light of daytime.

so here come the Night Shift will come to rescue. it will automatically make your iPhone or iPad screen warmer or cooler according to time of day it is.

But yes it sound bit like F.lux, a popular application for Windows, Mac and Linux.
Doing exact same thing. But it’s not a coincident. The idea and popularity of that  application force Apple to pull it over from distribution just days later

I know it was Awkward, but in the near future F.lux user think about that same feature is available right in IOS, thereafter they less care about that.

Also it been so important to take this much of care to users and it’s impossible to go back

its seem like a small feature but it consider as a Apple’s important move in UX improvement ever,  single-handedly improving the sleep of millions of people per year. It's hard to imagine a similar change that could make such a big a difference in the day-to-day health and happiness of users. Plus, where Apple goes, the competition tends to follow. 


If you can’t able to wait for IOS 9.3 update. Try to use F.lux and experience the care of Temperature control by Screen make you Sleep Better

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