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Greatest App Tools for Everyone to know about Calories in their food

The DietScanner, scanning a piece of bread at CES 2016.

Are you Aware of DietScanner, a forthcoming $249 app-powered gadget that can actually scan the molecules that make up your food and tell you how many calories are in that muffin, or that hunk of cheese, or that bowl of cereal. 

As a one-time calorie counter (I've since lapsed, hardcore), it could solve a big problem for would-be dieters when it launches later this year. And it appears to work - at least it worked at the demo table at CES.

The DietScanner was invented after company founders Astrid and Remy Bonnasse found out their daughter had Type-1 diabetes. They built the DietScanner to help monitor her carbohydrate intake.

The scanner harnesses the power of physics and chemistry to figure out everything from the sugar content of a given apple to whether or not that drink you left on the bar has been drugged.

The device, called SCiO, actually uses a technology similar to the one that helps astronomers figure out the make-up of the stars - called spectroscopy.

It's the same technology that scientists use to analyze rock samples or that border patrol agents use to analyze questionable substances, just in the palm of your hand. 

Here's a video explaining how it all works:

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