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6 Myths About Free Basic

1.Free basic is a mask to Facebook?

We all know About 1 year ago, when was launched in India, many netizens protested and stopped it as it was against the Net Neutrality. so Facebook was shocked by this response now they  market the same Egg in New basket. that's Facebook's Free Basic.

2.That really really makes it look so world changingly good, right? Who doesn't want free unlimited internet?

You can imagine that a poor kid in any village in central India should be able to see Khan Academy videos, her Dad should be able to look up agricultural spot prices on Google or a commodity exchange and perhaps her Mom could look for a better-paying job at a top job board. But natch, none of these are part of the so-called "Internet/Free Basics" that Facebook offers the poor. Videos in fact, are not available at all, presumably to conserve bandwidth so it can be retained for more important things like villagers sending each other Candy Crush requests. 
There is no Google, there is no Linkedin, there's no Alibaba, there's no Amazon, there's no Flipkart, there's no eBay. No place these folks can buy, or sell or trade. There's no Kiva or other bottom-of-pyramid money service. No loans they can receive. No government sites, no banks. No Coursera or EdX or Khan Academy - so it's not about education either. Forget about entertainment - there's absolutely none of that. You name any possible site of importance to someone who needs information and opportunities, and it's not there. But, hey, I guess then you can always poke folks in the next village!

3.How can a corporate organisation can provide a free services?

Facebook controversial Free Basic services is shut down in Egypt. Facebook also confirmed the shtdown order by their email but still not disclose true scenario behind it
“We’re disappointed that Free Basics will no longer available in Egypt as of December 30, 2015. Already more than 3 million Egyptians use Free Basics and through Free Basics more than 1 million people who were previously unconnected are now using the internet because of these efforts. We are committed to Free Basics, and we’re going to keep working to serve our community to provide access to connectivity and valuable services. We hope to resolve this situation soon.”
without that much of openness its hard to believe in free Basic services by Facebook

4.Why are they targeted India? 

Since it had vast market place,
TRAI gave decision making to people about net neutrality. but some corporate organization assure that we provide elegant without much aware about WTF trash behind it how can we believe all this kind of things.

So this alternative is not feasible. This must govern by Government Sector.(But still some private sector gave better services than government organization)

5.Why the is renamed as Free Basic?. 

"Free" is make to sign without any knowledge. That why Facebook claims already 3.2 million of its 130 million users in India.

Take look at Free List they Suggest 

6.Is Free Basics different from zero-rating?
Zero-rating is a practice where internet service providers (ISPs) do not charge customers on data for select applications that they use. So conceptually, Free Basics operates on the zero-rating principle.

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