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Iphone 8 Biggest Feature is missing

In a new report market analyst Copperfield Research states the much vaunted truly wireless charging expected in the iPhone 8 will not happen. Unlike current ‘wireless’ solutions that actually require contact with a charger, the iPhone 8 was said to be able to charge when sat within 15 feet from a charger - a genuinely revolutionary advancement.


Energous’ wireless charging standard ‘WattUp’ uses radio frequencies (RF). Something Copperfield notes Apple called out in one inductive charging patent in 2011 labelling it "very inefficient", "not practical" and even potentially hazardous. 

These claims come from the fact RF charging radiates power in all directions so only a fraction of it is picked up by the intended device.

Still Hopes

Given glass backs are more troublesome than aluminium (Apple only needs look back to its issues with the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S) and not widely liked by consumers the move seems odd.

But glass is necessary for induction charging (it won’t pass through aluminium) which provides a strong motivation for Apple to go through all this hassle. Were Apple using RF charging the move would be entirely pointless as this passes through both aluminium and glass without difficulty.

Not for Iphone 8

Copperfield concludes that Apple probably did have a partnership with Energous and may still do as a convenient way to research RF charging. But every action Apple has taken in recent years shows there’s no chance of it coming to the iPhone 8.

Of course the possibility remains that RF charging could reach future iPhones at some stage.

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