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Lollipop Impressed or Not

 Android 5.0, Lollipop

Few week before Google released the Android version 5.0 (Lollipop). its update are not taken to all android devices. But Nexus got lollipop. it reach only to 0.1% users world wide.

Any how one side the Look briefs the lot about it awesomeness. but on the other side  have a Buggy stuff.

It seems Google is finally gearing up to release an incremental update to Android 5.0 Lollipop, dubbed Android 5.0.1. the new updated build of Android 5.0 Lollipop has been published to the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) With Build Number LRX22C

The Android 5.0.1 factory images for the Wi-Fi only Nexus 7 (2013), Nexus 9, and Nexus 10 have been published. The factory images for the Nexus 4, Nexus 5, 3G-enabled Nexus (2012 and 2013), Nexus 6, and Nexus 9 LTE are yet to be published.

Some of the Android 5.0 Lollipop bugs recently reported by users include a Wi-Fi bug; an SMS bug, app switcher bug; another bug that  removed the very useful 'silent mode' from phones, and a flashlight bug was also reported to be affecting some Nexus 5 and Nexus 4 users.

Android 5.0 Lollipop has been in the news for all wrong reasons in recent weeks, with several user reports pointing to multiple bugs in the final release.
"It could even just be a bug that's closing apps too aggressively, even when there's plenty of RAM," it speculates.
"Memory Leak on Lollipop crashing Apps", is by restarting the device. 
One user writes, "I have to keep rebooting my nexus 5, I like android lollipop but, it uses RAM too much."
The background apps crashing bug seems to be affecting limited devices such as Nexus 5, Nexus 9, and Moto G (Gen 2) as can be seen on the issue tracker.
Another user claims that he noticed the bug on the Nexus 9 tablet while the Nexus 4 is not showing signs of any such bug. He writes, "I'm seeing this on my Nexus 9, but not on Nexus 4: apps are killed and restart after switching to another app for a short time."
The broken manual account sync button has been reported to Google twice by users; though there has been no reply from the company, as pointed out by Android Police.

Likewise, Google has not replied to the background apps crashing bug either.

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